In the highly populated boroughs of Mexico City, panting and sweaty bodies meet, clad in fitted spandex and Aventurera heels to dance to the rhythm of the cumbia played under multicolored lights. Called sonideros, these parties began in neighborhood patios, later to become a tradition that, as of 2014, has been threatened by the ban of local government.
Joyce García (Mexico, 1988) graduated with a degree in Photography from Universidad Veracruzana. She is currently working on her master’s thesis in documentary cinema at the CUEC. Her documentary I’m Not a Thug was creditor of IMCINE’s Programa de Estímulo a Creadores Cinematográficos (Program to Encourage Cinematographic Creators), winner of FONCA’s Programa de Fomento y Coinversiones Culturales (Cultural Promotion and Co-Investments Program) and Procine’s Post-production Support.